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February 2024 Tarotscope

A tarotscope is a way of combining astrology 🔭 with tarot 🔮. Each zodiac sign is assigned a tarot card that represents the ⚡energy⚡ for the upcoming month 🗓. By using this guidance 🙏, you can navigate 🧭 the month ahead for your own benefit. Take a look at the message the ✨Divine✨ has for you.

I used the #InnerCompass and #BlindSpot byTealSwan cards. I have also added an affirmation for each sign to use throughout the month.

If you're interested in getting more guidance 🙏 on how to make the most out of your life, feel free to reach out and schedule 📆 a session with me.

💝February💝 Guidance for the Collective

We have to stop isolating ourselves. We are being encouraged to involve other people in Us and in situations at hand. Instead of looking at the world in ways that isolate Us, such as how people don't understand Us and how we are different from them. Look at the world in a way that connects Us, such as how people do understand Us and the ways in which We are the same as others.

Affirmation: By working together and prioritizing shared goals, relationships flourish and provide lasting fulfillment.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Hey, it's totally okay to acknowledge that you have some significant emotions going on inside. Life can be tough sometimes, and it's crucial to give yourself permission to feel the full range of those feelings. Don't brush them off or push them aside—the key is in allowing yourself to experience and process them. It's equally important to recognize that you have needs that deserve attention too. Whether they are physical, emotional, or mental needs, they shouldn't be ignored. Take the time and effort to meet them because neglecting your own well-being won't benefit anyone in the long run. Remember, it's absolutely valid to prioritize yourself and seek ways to satisfy those needs – self-care is not selfishness. So go ahead, embrace your feelings and prioritize meeting your own needs for a fulfilled life!

Affirmation: I am self-assured, imaginative, persistent, and proactive. I see and make use of opportunities and any and all resources available to me.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Hey, you know what? Sometimes, you just have to take a step back and evaluate what's holding you back from progressing in life. It could be anything - fear, self-doubt, past failures, or even negative people. But here's the thing: if you cling on to these things that prevent you from moving forward, not only are you limiting yourself but also hindering others who might be looking up to you for inspiration. So, it's time to gather up some courage and learn to let go. Confront those fears head-on and replace them with positivity and belief in your abilities. Leave behind the baggage of past mistakes because dwelling on them won't change a thing. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who lift you up instead of dragging you down. Embrace this liberating process of shedding what holds you back and witness how it opens doors for growth, success, and new opportunities - not just for yourself but for others as well.

Affirmation: I embrace the process of shedding what holds me back and witness how it opens doors for growth, success, and new opportunities.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Listen up, my friend! It's high time you acknowledge and embrace all the fabulous qualities you possess. We all have our moments of doubt, but it's crucial to recognize your own strengths, abilities, and achievements. Dig deep and unveil the hidden gems within yourself. Maybe you have a remarkable talent for problem-solving or a knack for making people feel at ease in your presence. Perhaps your unwavering determination shines through when facing challenges, or your impeccable organizational skills keep everything running smoothly. Whatever it may be, don't downplay your awesomeness! Give credit where credit is due and take some pride in what makes you outstanding—it could be the stepping stone to even greater accomplishments. Trust me; there's so much good about you, waiting to be embraced!

Affirmation: I am aware, conscious and have an accurate perception, knowledge or understanding of myself.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Alright, picture this: you're stuck inside a bubble. Not just any bubble, but one that encapsulates your current perspective on things. It's like looking through tinted glasses that distort reality and limit your

understanding of the world around you. In this bubble, there is little room for growth or exploration because you're confined to a narrow view of things. You might not even realize it at first, but as time goes on, you start to notice the limitations this bubble imposes on your ability to empathize with others, consider alternative ideas, or challenge long-held beliefs. It's almost suffocating in here! But fear not, for breaking free from this bubble is possible with an open mind and willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Only then can you truly expand your horizons and experience the richness and diversity of life beyond that confining perspective.

Affirmation: I am aware of my thoughts and I am able to let go of thoughts and beliefs that do not serve me. I adopt thoughts and beliefs that do benefit me in order to experience myself in reality.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Hey there! So, let's talk about becoming more cutely aware of the situations in your life that you think you just have to endure. Look, life throws curveballs at us all the time, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. But here's the thing - being cutely aware means taking a step back and looking at things from a different perspective. It's about acknowledging the challenges, but also finding ways to approach them with positivity and grace. It's understanding that even though circumstances may not be ideal, there are always lessons to be learned and opportunities for growth. So, instead of getting weighed down by the tough times, embrace them with open arms and an optimistic mindset. Remember, you're stronger than you realize, and every situation is a chance for you to shine!

Affirmation: I demonstrate greatness in whatever I dedicate my energy to. It is important that I see both myself and what I do as of high quality, value, caliber and eminence.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You know, we all have this blind spot looming over us - a desire to constantly see ourselves and be seen by others as good people. It's like an invisible force at work, quietly shaping our actions and decisions. We strive to do the right thing, to make morally upright choices, and to portray ourselves in the most positive light possible. And why wouldn't we? Being perceived as a good person brings a sense of validation and acceptance from others. But let's face it - this desire can sometimes cloud our judgment, blinding us to our faults and limitations. We become hesitant to confront our own mistakes or acknowledge the flaws within us. It creates a barrier for true self-reflection and personal growth. So perhaps it's time you peel back that blind spot, embrace vulnerability, and allow yourself the space to learn from your imperfections rather than constantly seeking external approval for being "good".

Affirmation: I embrace vulnerability, and allow myself the space to learn from my imperfections rather than constantly seeking external approval for being good.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Hey, listen up! It seems like you've unknowingly stumbled into the ego trap of superiority. Now, don't fret too much because it happens to the best of us. This phenomenon occurs when one starts believing that they are somehow superior or better than others. Maybe it's a result of accomplishments, societal status, or perhaps even intellectual prowess. Regardless of the cause, this mindset can lead to detrimental effects on relationships and personal growth. So take a step back and reflect on your actions and thoughts. Remember that no one is perfect and we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Embracing humility can open doors to deeper connections with others and foster continuous self-improvement. Don't let the ego hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself!

Affirmation: I am honest, sincere, direct, forthright, straightforward, upfront, genuine and truthful. I do not lie and I am free of deceit.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Hey there! So, here's the deal: we all have this tendency to box ourselves in with labels. You know, things like our job titles, our gender, our nationality - they become these neat little boxes that define who we are and how we see the world. But let me tell you something, breaking free from these limitations is where the magic happens. When we step away from these confines and open ourselves up to new perspectives, we not only grow as individuals but also gain a deeper understanding of others around us. It's like stepping out of a small room into a vast open field - suddenly, everything becomes possible. So embrace change, challenge your beliefs and assumptions, and dare to see beyond what you know. Trust me, it's when you venture outside your limited identity and way of seeing things that real growth begins.

Affirmation: I venture outside of my limited identity and way of seeing things to assist with my personal growth, evolution and expansion.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Hey, look, I get it. We all have our opinions and that's great, but sometimes it's important to take a step back and give credit where credit is due. Experts exist for a reason—they've spent countless hours studying, researching, and gaining hands-on experience in their field. So when someone with expertise offers their perspective or knowledge on a matter, it's only fair to respect it. It doesn't mean blindly accepting everything they say without question; critical thinking is essential. But being defiant just for the sake of it can hinder progress and prevent us from gathering invaluable insights. By acknowledging the validity of experts' viewpoints, we open ourselves up to new ideas and possibilities that we might not have considered before. So let's drop the defiance once in a while and embrace the wealth of knowledge that experts can bring to the table—trust me, you won't regret it!

Affirmation: I take into consideration the perspective of experts in order to make informed decisions in alignment with my own best interests or my own estimation of what is right and good.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Hey there! It's important to take a step back and recognize that sometimes we all have the tendency to overlook or underestimate the goodness, capability, and excellence of those around us. Whether it's due to our own biases, preconceived notions, or simply not paying enough attention, we might miss out on truly appreciating the incredible qualities people possess. When we fail to see the true potential in others, we also squander valuable opportunities for growth, collaboration, and learning. Make a conscious effort to challenge your assumptions and approach each person with an open mind. By acknowledging and celebrating the uniqueness, talent, and achievements of individuals around us -- regardless of their background or status--you can foster a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to reach their fullest potential.

Affirmation: I make a conscious effort to challenge my assumptions and approach each person with an open mind.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Sometimes, with the best of intentions, we find ourselves inadvertently enabling others instead of truly helping them. We may believe we are doing what is right, offering support and assistance to someone in need. However, upon closer inspection, we may realize that our actions are actually perpetuating their dependence on us. By constantly swooping in to solve their problems or shielding them from facing consequences, we create a cycle of dependency that prevents growth and self-reliance. It's important to recognize this pattern and adjust your approach accordingly. Instead of providing immediate solutions, you should encourage individuals to think critically and problem-solve on their own. Offering guidance and resources rather than outright rescuing empowers them to learn from their mistakes and develop the necessary skills to navigate life's challenges independently. Only then can genuine progress be made, fostering long-term personal development and resilience

Affirmation: I offer guidance and resources that empowers others to learn from their mistakes and develop the necessary skills to navigate life's challenges independently.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Helping or rescuing someone or something is like hitting the refresh button on your own soul. It's a way of externally rescuing yourself from the mundane and self-centered routines we often find ourselves trapped in. There's something immensely gratifying about knowing that you've made a positive impact on someone else's life, even if it's as simple as lending an empathetic ear, volunteering at a local shelter, or saving a stray animal. By reaching out to others in their moments of distress, you are reminded of your own humanity and interconnectedness with the world around you. In these acts of compassion and selflessness, you find solace, fulfillment, and purpose. It's in this circle of giving and receiving kindness that you uncover hidden reservoirs of strength within yourself, ultimately discovering that real happiness lies in lifting others up along with yourself.

Affirmation: By reaching out to others in their moments of distress, I am reminded of my own humanity and interconnectedness with the world around me.

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