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Reiki Treatment

In Person Treatment
Price: $60 - $80
The base in person session includes a Biomat treatment and a chakra balancing.
A session can be tailored to specific needs by adding a meditation and/or crystals. A normal session lasts about an hour.  
Distiant Treatment
Price: $40
I have the ability to send the divine healing power of Reiki around the world to anyone or anything at any time. If you have a spesific issue that needs healing it can be done so with intent. Chakra balancing is included. 
A normal session lasts about thirty minutes.
Treatment for Pets
Price: $30
A session can be done in person or distantly. If I am allergic to your pet it will have to be done distantly. The session time depends on how long your pet is willing to sit for it. No longer than 20 minutes.
For all inquires about services reach out to me via the Contact button at the top of the page.
All payments will be made through Cash App.
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