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What is a Reiki Attunement?

The power and ability to do Reiki and to utilize the Reiki symbols is activated by an attunement.
The Reiki symbols do not have any power unless they have been activated by an attunement of mystical experience. Each Reiki level is a complete course in and of itself. The levels though can be likened to
a 3-way light bulb. With each level of Reiki the light, or amount of energy you can channel, is increased.

Reiki Attunements

1st Degree Reiki Attunement
Price: To Be Determined

Enhances personal growth and the ability to channel physical level healing energy:

            You get attuned to the first level of Reiki

            You learn self-treatment and treatment of others

            You learn the Reiki Power symbol

            Reiki I qualifies you as a First Degree Reiki Practitioner

            Helps to open the Chakras in the head, heart and hands

            Activates the 21-day Chakra cleanse

Price: To Be Determined
2nd Degree Reiki Attunement

Takes you further into self-discovery and gives you more powerful tools for healing. Symbols for emotional, mental and long distance healing are taught.

            Opens the Chakras in the palms to another level

            Creates a quantum leap in intuitive awareness

            Allows us to integrate and channel more “chi”

            Healing symbols are taught (mental/emotional and long distance)

            You are empowered and taught how to heal at a distance (space and time)

            Activates another 21-day cleanse

Master Reiki Attunement
Price: To Be Determined

Many People want to get the Master Symbol and activate the highest level of Reiki, but are not interested in teaching. The Master Training is split into two levels for this reason.

            This level completely opens you to Reiki energy via Master Symbols

            You can learn the Master Symbol

            Advanced Reiki techniques (how to release blockages) and energy balancing techniques

                        Are taught

            Starts another 21-day cleanse

Teacher Reiki Attunement
Price: To Be Determined
This attunes you to the power to pass Reiki attunements. You learn how to teach the Reiki classes and how to do the attunements. You also receive information on running a business, marketing and correspondence. Also, if you have completed all levels with me including the Teacher’s course you can retake all classes without any charge.
For all inquires about services reach out to me via the Contact button at the top of the page.
All payments will be made through Cash App.
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